Before beginning with the installation download the Teams-PlugIn and extract the files into the "PlugIns"-subfolder of Queue Controller installation directory.
In order to set up Teams-Integration with Contact Center add the former created Azure Application as Device. Switch to the "Devices" tab and use "Add new external system" to open the external system dialog.
Select "Microsoft Teams (status)" or "Microsoft Teams (telephony)" as type according to your needs. The differences between the two integrations are described here (status) and here (PBX).
Choose a friendly "Name" for the plug-in device. This name shouldn't be too long as it's shown in group summary view (only when selected telephony as type). We suggest just to use "Teams" as name.
As "User" and "Password" enter the earlier created Microsoft Azure user credentials. It's recommended to use the UPN (user principal name) in the user@domain.xy format.
Select whether to "Sync away" or "Sync DND" status with Swyx (or both). If selected the Teams status Away and DND are set in SwyxWare whenever the status in Teams changes. If DND sync is active the Swyx user is also set to DND when the user has an active call or is presenting in Teams. We suggest to activate DND-sync only as Teams sometimes sets the user to away for no obvious reason.
Activate the "Sync status text" feature if required. This will change the Swyx user's status text to a readable Teams status. This is mostly used for users without any Contact Center skin so they can see the status when hovering a name key in SwyxIt!. The status text will be set to "Speaking in Teams" etc.
Fill in the "Tenant ID" and "Client ID" of the registered Azure application and hit the "Create" button to add the plug-in device.
After adding the plug-in should then change its color to green and the status to "Yes / Registered". Further the number of synced users should reflect the number of users found (takes a minute to update). On any error a message on the "Warnings" tab in Contact Center should appear.
For status integration the number of users is the amount of users with matching mail addresses in Teams and Swyx. In Swyx the user's mail address is used (not voicemail address).
For PBX / Agent - integration the number of users in the synchronized Teams are shown. In addition the number of synced groups / Teams are shown as well. In order to sync a Team with a group in Contact Center, create a Swyx-group with the same name as the Team in Teams and add a number to that group. Further its recommended to create a queue and select this group as delivery destination. Only Teams with a matching group in Swyx are synchronized.
Whenever changing the plug-in setting be sure to hit the re-sync button to reinitialize the plug-in.