Configuring Exchange Server for Conferencing Option


Follow these steps to setup Option Conferencing with Exchange integration:

  • Open Admin Center
  • Change to "Devices" tab
  • Add an "Exchange Server" entry by using the plus button
  • Enter the host name of the Exchange Server together with a user and password to access the Exchange Web Services (EWS)
  • The Exchange Server is added to the list and internal Exchange resource resolution starts (more information below)

Follow these steps to prepare Exchange Server to work with Option Conferencing:

  • Open Exchange Powershell Console
  • Run Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity "[name of resource or SMTP mail address]" -DeleteSubject $false -DeleteComments $false -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept
    Exchange removes all content of appointments in resource mailboxes and calendars. Further the subject is replaced by the name of the attendee. Using this powershell command this behavior will be changed. The AutomateProcessing setting enables auto-reply for this mailbox so auto-accept or auto-decline responses will be sent. 
    More information can be found here: Set-CalendarProcessing
  • Run Add-MailboxPermission -Identity "[name of resource or SMTP mail address]" -User "[user used to access exchange server]" -AccessRights FullAccess
  • This powershell command adds full access to the exchange resource for the user used to access Exchange Server. The AccessRights parameter could also be altered to a lower access like ReadPermission or ChangePermission. This command has to be repeated for every conference room.
    If the conference room is a private room for a Swyx-user (conference room and Swyx-user-name are equal) this mailbox has to be configured accordingly.
    More information can be found here: Add-MailboxPermission

Exchange resource resolution:

After adding the Exchange Server item to the list of devices the conferencing system will try to resolve all configured conference rooms against Exchange server. The following rules apply:

  • A conference room has to be set to "Managed"
  • The name of the conference room should match an Exchange resource or mailbox
  • The mail address entered in the conference room configuration should match an Exchange resource or mailbox
  • If the name of the conference room matches a Swyx-user the SMTP address of this user is used for resource resolution
  • All manged conference rooms will show up as sub-item of the added Exchange Server item. These sub-items can be marked as red or green.
    If the item is marked red the resolution or the access to the resource failed. Further information can be found on the "Warnings" tab.
    If an item could be resolved it is marked green and the number of ongoing conferences are shown in the list.
    Only calendar items in Exchange server with the string "PIN: xxxxx" and the location set to the name of the conference room are used for matching